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Offer in action - One-stop Women's Learning Service (OWLS)

Working together with communities who need support to design and develop the services to help them has been happening in Perth and Kinross in different ways for many years. OWLS is a long-standing example of this. 

Developed based on feedback from female offenders locally that services needed to be easy to access, allow for peer support, and provide a way to give back to the community, the service has gone from strength to strength. 

Women who come to the service are actively involved in developing the work that OWLS do. All of the different services individuals might need to support them to reduce offending and sustain their home lives, are provided in one place. The approach has been so successful a similar approach to support male offenders has been established, all based around listening and design ways of working around the needs of a particular community. 


Last modified on 30 November 2021

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