A Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) is an organisation who has earned the statutory right to be consulted on significant issues.
Tenant organisations which include tenants of Perth & Kinross Council can apply to become Registered with the Council. To qualify for registration, an organisation must recognise its responsibilities and agree to run its organisation in the following ways:
- to be open and accountable;
- to be democratic and inclusive;
- to work for the best interest of those represented;
- to agree consultation processes for particular issues;
- to agree on solutions and then work towards making them happen;
- to agree decisions with the Council and members and record them so that everyone knows what is to happen and why those decisions were made;
- to make sure that all tenants represented know and understand what decisions have been made and the reasons for those decisions.
A Registered Tenant Organisation (RTO) will be informed of any proposals and the likely effect of such proposals on those living in their area.
Local RTO | Contact name | Contact details |
Perth and Kinross Tenants & Residents Federation | Derek Wilkie, Chairperson and Secretary |
If you wish to contact any of the above organisations please telephone 01738 476165 or email tenantparticipation@pkc.gov.uk.