Purpose and Scope of Guidance
The Delivery of Development Sites Guidance (PDF, 403 KB) is non-statutory guidance which has been prepared to support Local Development Plan Policy 23: Delivery of Development Sites.
Policy 23 requires that a delivery strategy is prepared for each site allocation in the Local Development Plan and windfall (or unallocated) residential sites of 10 or more dwellings. The purpose of the guidance is to assist landowners and developers in preparing the delivery strategy for their site.
The Guidance was approved by the Council's Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 25 November 2020 and has now been adopted as non-statutory guidance. The Committee also agreed to extend the deadline for the submission of delivery strategies for allocated sites to 31 March 2021.
Delivery Strategies Templates
Templates have been prepared to help the preparation of delivery strategies, one for Allocated Sites (PDF, 174 KB) in the Local Development Plan and one for Unallocated Sites (PDF, 172 KB). You do not have to use these templates, but we would strongly encourage it.
We will be in touch with landowners and / or developers of allocated sites early in 2021 but the templates can be used before then by applicants who require to submit a delivery strategy with their planning application.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
As part of the process we have to consult NatureScot (formerly SNH), SEPA and Historic Environment Scotland on whether the plan, programme or strategy is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.
We sent our Screening Report (PDF, 151 KB) to the consultation authorities to help determine whether the guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment on 23 January 2020. You can view the responses from the consultation authorities:
- Screening Response - SNH (PDF, 225 KB)
- Screening Response - SEPA (PDF, 179 KB)
- Screening Response - HES (PDF, 167 KB)
Having consulted the three consultation authorities and having considered the criteria set out in the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Council has determined that the Delivery of Development Sites Template Non-Statutory Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required. You can also view the Screening Determination (PDF, 277 KB).