Purpose & Scope of Guidance
The Adopted Green & Blue Infrastructure Supplementary Guidance (2020) (PDF, 3 MB) supports the delivery of Local Development Plan Policy: Green & Blue Infrastructure by setting out the framework for the creation of a strategic Green and Blue network for the benefit of people and wildlife. The guidance explains what green and blue infrastructure is, why it is important, and where and how it should be taken into account in the development process.To reflect the recently adopted Local Development Plan (2019), the following improvements have been made to the guidance:
- Updated spatial data to support the evidence based approach to the spatial strategy
- Clearer visual representation of green and blue infrastructure, including an interactive web map
- More focus on settlement scale opportunities and future potential green infrastructure
- Wider stakeholder involvement including two internal learning sessions
- A clearer and more concise guidance document.
The Guidance was approved by the Council's Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 29 January 2020 and submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration on 3 February 2020. Following the necessary adoption procedures, the Supplementary Guidance has now been formally adopted by the Council.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
As part of the process we have to consult SNH, SEPA and Historic Scotland on whether the plan, programme or strategy is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.
We sent our Screening Report (PDF, 122 KB) to the consultation authorities to determine whether the supplementary guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment on 8 May 2018. You can also view the responses from the consultation authorities:
- Screening Response - HES (PDF, 65 KB)
- Screening Response - SEPA (PDF, 66 KB)
- Screening Response - SNH (PDF, 153 KB)
Having consulted the three consultation authorities, and having considered the criteria set out in the Act, the Council considered that the Green and Blue Infrastructure Supplementary Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that SEA is not required. You can also view the Screening Determination (PDF, 320 KB).