Purpose and Scope of Guidance
The Adopted Open Space Provision for New Developments Supplementary Guidance (2021) (PDF, 6 MB) has been produced to accompany the Local Development Plan 2 (2019) Policy 14: Open Space Retention and Provision. This is a new piece of guidance which covers:
- The standards for open space in new developments
- The types of open space which are required
- Whether the open space provision should be on-site or off-site
- The mechanisms for the maintenance of open space*
The key principles on maintenance arrangements and the commuted sums outlined in the Open Space Guidance are derived from the Council's Policy on Maintenance Options for Public Open Spaces in New Residential Developments (PDF, 1 MB).
While this guidance provides an indication of likely open space requirements, every scenario is unique. Developers are encouraged to initiate pre-application discussion with the Council and consult other key stakeholders in order to seek advice on the local context and agree on the open space contributions.
The consultation on the draft guidance and maintenance policy ran from 31 January until 14 March 2019. All responses to the consultation were considered and used to inform the finalised documents which were approved at the Perth & Kinross Council committee meeting on 27 January 2021. Following the submission of the guidance and supporting information to Scottish Ministers for consideration, the Council formally adopted the guidance in March 2021. The Guidance forms part of the Development Plan and will be used when determining planning applications.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
As part of the process we have to consult SNH, SEPA and Historic Environment Scotland on whether the plan, programme or strategy is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.
We sent our Screening Report (PDF, 320 KB) to the consultation authorities to determine whether the supplementary guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment on the 8th May 2018. You can also view the responses from the consultation authorities:
- Screening Response - Historic Environment Scotland (PDF, 64 KB)
- Screening Response - Scottish Natural Heritage (PDF, 148 KB)
- Screening Response - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (PDF, 126 KB)
Having consulted the three consultation authorities, and having considered the criteria set out in the Act, the Council considered that the Supplementary Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that SEA is not required. You can also view the Screening Determination (PDF, 225 KB).