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Supplementary Guidance - Delivering Zero Waste

Purpose and Scope of Guidance

The purpose of the Adopted Delivering Zero Waste Supplementary Guidance (PDF, 2 MB) is to explain our approach towards waste within Perth and Kinross and provide guidance to developers on the siting and design of waste management infrastructure.

The scope of the guidance includes providing advice and guidance when preparing a planning application. A key theme which is repeated throughout this supplementary guidance is the shift towards a zero waste lifestyle. We are looking towards creating a change in how people view waste. We highlight the importance of firstly reducing waste, then reusing it and finally recycling with the aim of sending as little waste as possible to landfill.

Throughout Perth and Kinross we emphasise the importance of creating a circular economy which recognises the value of secondary resources and waste to the economy, including composting facilities, transfer stations, materials recycling facilities, anaerobic digestion, and mechanical, biological and thermal treatment plants.

The guidance has been prepared to support Local Development Plan Policy 36: Waste Management Infrastructure. It forms part of the Development Plan and will be used when determining planning applications. 

The Guidance was approved by the Council's Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on the 29 January 2020 and submitted to Scottish Ministers for consideration on 3 February 2020. Following the necessary adoption procedures, the Supplementary Guidance has now been formally adopted by the Council.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

As part of the process of preparing and adopting Supplementary Guidance, we consulted Historic Environment Scotland, SEPA and SNH on whether the Delivering Zero Waste Supplementary Guidance is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.

We sent our Screening Report (PDF, 153 KB) to the following consultation authorities to determine whether the Supplementary Guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment on 5 March 2019. The responses from the consultation authorities may be viewed as follows:

Having consulted the consultation authorities, and having considered the criteria set out in the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Council determined that the Delivering Zero Waste Supplementary Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects. Our Screening Determination (PDF, 462 KB) is available to view and download.

Last modified on 16 September 2020

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