Purpose and Scope of Guidance
The Financial Guarantees for Minerals Development (PDF, 427 KB) has been produced to support Policy 49 (Minerals and Other Extractive Activities - Supply) of the Perth and Kinross Local Development Plan (adopted 2019). The guidance is to provide information on financial guarantees to secure the sustainable restoration of minerals sites to beneficial afteruse after working has ceased including situations where a developer may be unwilling or unable to comply with the consented plans. It contains detailed advice about the full range of financial guarantees that may be used to secure restoration.
Consultation on the draft guidance was from 31 January until 14 March 2019. All responses to the consultation were considered and used to inform the finalised documents which were approved at the Perth & Kinross Council committee meeting on 27 January 2021. Following the submission of the guidance and supporting information to Scottish Ministers for consideration, the Council adopted the guidance in February 2021. The Guidance forms part of the Development Plan and will be used when determining planning applications.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
As part of the process of preparing and adopting Supplementary Guidance, we consulted Historic Environment Scotland, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, and Scottish Natural Heritage to check whether the draft Financial Guarantees for Minerals Development Supplementary Guidance is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact. We sent a copy of our Screening Report (PDF, 153 KB) to the three consultation authorities on 4 December 2019.
You may view and download the responses from the consultation authorities:
- Screening Response - HES (PDF, 172 KB)
- Screening Response - SEPA (PDF, 149 KB)
- Screening Response - SNH (PDF, 226 KB)
Having consulted the three consultation authorities and having considered the criteria set out in the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, the Council has determined that the Financial Guarantees for Minerals Development Supplementary Guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required. Our Screening Determination (PDF, 317 KB) sets this out in more detail.