Purpose and Scope of Guidance
Policy 33 of LDP2 sets out how proposals for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy installations will be assessed. The draft Renewable & Low Carbon Energy Guidance (PDF) [11MB] contains detailed advice on how applicants should address the criteria of Policy 33 when preparing and submitting applications. The draft guidance covers a range of renewable and low carbon electricity and heat generation technologies.
The current draft guidance provides an introduction and guidance to preparing submissions, locational guidance for each technology - including a Spatial Framework for Wind, and Strategic Environmental Sensitivity maps for Wind, Hydropower and Solar PV - and detailed written guidance on how to address the criteria of LDP2.
The current draft guidance sets out a consistent approach to be applied across Perth and Kinross to assist applicants in preparing renewable and low carbon energy development proposals.
The current draft guidance should be read alongside the following documents:
Renewable and Low Carbon Guidance Technical Note which sets out the background to the strategic environmental sensitivity maps - see SEA Appendix 7 below.
David Tyldesley Landscape Capacity Study (2010) (PDF) [8MB] which should be used alongside SNH Landscape Character Types and Descriptions to inform landscape studies for renewable applications.
Guidance Update: NPF4 Policy 11 (Energy)
Following adoption of the National Planning Framework (NPF4) as part of the Development Plan in 2023, the policy framework for the consideration of development proposals in the Perth and Kinross Council area has changed. This includes an updated national planning policy in relation to energy - Policy 11 - as well as wider updates across the national planning policy framework. The updated policy includes a significant shift in the support of renewable energy infrastructure to support net zero. The current draft guidance is to be reviewed and updated in 2024/2025 to reflect the updated policy position and to provide further guidance on the types of proposals that are being progressed in the Council area.
The current draft guidance was consulted on between 19 August and 30 September 2019. The draft guidance is being reviewed in 2024/2025 and will be available for consultation at a later date. We would welcome views from stakeholders during the consultation.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
As part of the SEA process, an Environmental Report (PDF) [4MB] has been prepared for consultation with comments sought between 19 August - 30 September 2019.
The Environmental Report details the Environmental Assessment of the draft Guidance, considering any likely significant environmental effects, and what mitigation measures are required, where necessary. The Environmental Assessment process has also been used to help shape the draft Guidance using Strategic Environmental Sensitivity Mapping, based on a range of environmental factors.
A copy of the Environmental Report and associated documents has been issued to the Scottish Government's SEA Gateway for consultation with the Consultation Authorities, as required under the Environmental Assessment legislation.
Full SEA documents are listed below:
- Appendix 1 - Consultation Authority Comments (PDF) [271KB]
- Appendix 2 - PPS (PDF) [1MB]
- Appendix 3 - Environmental Baseline (PDF) [9MB]
- Appendix 4 - Matrix All Technologies (PDF) [734KB]
- Appendix 5 - Matrix Cumulative (PDF) [439KB]
- Appendix 6 - Monitoring Framework (PDF) [401KB]
- Appendix 7 - Technical Appendix (PDF) [1MB]
- Appendix 8 - Policy 33 of LDP2 (PDF) [454KB]
- Non-Technical Summary (PDF) [2MB]