The welfare benefit system can be extremely difficult to navigate and knowing where to go or knowing which Government is responsible for which benefits can be confusing. We've created this web page to help people understand the system a bit better.
Which benefits are administered by which organisation/agency
The power to create and administer benefit rests largely with the UK Government, however some benefits are created and administered by Social Security Scotland and local authorities are also responsible for the administration of some benefits, grants and concessions on behalf of both the UK and Scottish Governments.
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) (UK Government level)
This is a list of some of the benefits administered by the DWP, most of these benefits are earnings or income replacement benefits:
- Universal Credit
- New Style, contributions-based and income related Employment & Support Allowance
- New style, contributions-based and income based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- State Pension
- Pension Credit
- Personal Independence Payment (not available for new claims in Scotland, please see Adult Disability Payment)
- Disability Living Allowance (not available for new claims in Scotland, please see Child Disability Payment)
- Attendance Allowance
- Carer's Allowance (not available for new claims in Scotland, please see Carer Support Payment)
- Bereavement Support Payment
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) (UK Government level)
Social Security Scotland (SSS) (Scottish Government level)
This is a list of all of the benefits administered by SSS, most of these are grants/payments. Some of those that are benefits replace the benefits that DWP previously administered via the Disability and Carers Service:
- Adult Disability Payment
- Child Disability Payment
- Carer Support Payment
- Best Start Grants and Best Start Foods
- Scottish Child Payment
- Carers Allowance Supplement
- Child Winter Heating Payment
- Funeral Support Payment
- Job Start Payment
- Young Carer Grant
- Winter Heating Payment
Local Authority (LA) (Perth & Kinross Council)
This is a list of some of the benefits and grants administered by the Council sometimes on behalf other agencies:
- Crisis and Community Care Grants (on behalf of Scottish Government)
- Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP)
- Blue Badge Scheme
- Free school meals and school clothing grants (on behalf of Scottish Government)
- Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
- Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit (Housing Benefit on behalf of DWP)
- National Entitlement Card and Free Travel Passes (bus passes)