If you are out of work, or in work and on a low income, you may qualify for certain benefits or tax credits.
Generally people of working-age making a new claim for benefit would normally claim Universal Credit (UC).
Council Tax
If you are liable to pay the Council Tax for the home you live in, you may be able to get Council Tax Reduction. The amount of Council Tax Reduction you can get depends on your income, how much Council Tax you have to pay and who else is living in the house.
If your income or capital is too high to claim Council Tax Reduction, you may be able to make a claim for Second Adult Rebate instead. You might be entitled to Second Adult Rebate if you have a second adult living with you who is not your partner and who has a low income or is on certain benefits.
There are other Council tax discounts and exemptions that you may also be able to apply for. These discounts are based on your personal circumstances and do not take into account your income or capital.
Benefits for people with an illness or disability
If your ability to work is affected by illness or disability, you may be able to claim new style Employment and Support Allowance and/or UC.
If you have a long-term health condition or disability you may qualify for Adult Disability Payment. This can be paid to you whether or not you are working and it isn't affected by income or savings.
What if you don't agree with a benefit decision?
If you have been turned down for a benefit or have received a decision that you are not happy about, you can ask for the decision to be looked at again. This is called a mandatory reconsideration or re-determination. If the decision is not revised in your favour, you can appeal against the decision.
Making a complaint
If you are unhappy with the service you receive in relation to your benefits you may want to consider making a complaint.